A Lot of email and questions have been sent to me about the new iPhone clone with 3G, It is called either the i9+ plus or the CiPhone. People whant to know how its different from other models. Thats what i will try to explain in the following articlw
Some conceptions of Mal i9 3G: Many people who email me it seems that this phone works on 3G wireless networks. At this moment, no. 3G means that in reality this is the 3rd generation of this phone. Like the previous i9 and all of the clones, this phone runs on GSM networks use SIM cards. Examples include T Mobile, AT & T, Fido, and Cingular. You can also use the prepayment or payment of flexible options in these networks, as well as coming with a contract. Go sims work phone, and prepaid cards T Mobile. The phone has a WAP browser using GPRS. It is quite fast and if you install a compact browser, as Opera Mini is more.
3G Is How The Different From The Previous i9: The main difference is in the main page and icons. There are now 10 pages of icon options, allowing you to customize the phone much more. Basically any tool or application on the phone can have it's own icon. Examples are stocks, maps, You tube, games, etc.. And, you can drag the icons to where you want them placed so that the ones you use the most are on the top.Additionally, the appearance is different. The housing on the third generation comes in different finishes like white and red (as well as basic black.) This housing is thicker and shinier and looks a bit different from the typical black. Many people really like this newer, more unique look, as well as the ability to customize the phone more.
This newer model is a sleek touch, but nothing earth Shattering. Nothing has been taken away. It still has the Java. It is still a quad band. It still has dual sim active. There's still your typical web browsing, email, SMS, MMS, MP3 / MP4, Bluetooth, ebook reader, FM radio, camera / web cam etc.
I have heard that these newer phones can hold 16GB of memory, but so far I've only seen the 8GB variety. This may change as more become available. Price wise, there has not been much change. You can still get both of these phones for barely over $ 100.
People will often ask me if it makes sense to upgrade just now. That depends on how much you like the way the new model looks and how the icons are important to you. Both of these phones are great that more than get the job done on the cheap.
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