Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Best iPhone Apps For Musicians

The iPhone is an incredible device with a lot of practical use and application. For musicians, especially, iPhone functions, many applications that can be used to play music on the move. The next iPhone Apps are great for any musician, whether novice or just curious ABM.

This iPhone application provides iPhone iDrum portable drum musicians. There is a bit different editions (hip-hop, rock club and much more) in an annex to the new preset kits to suit any taste musician. iDrum turns your iPhone in step sequencer, where users can create different rhythms and songs in the chain. Musicians can edit their rhythms on the fly, and only $ 4.99 in the square is a valuable tool for users of iPhone music.

Each guitarist GuitarToolkit should buy the iPhone with this great quarter. Musicians in need of a handheld tuner, metronome and chord dictionary you'll find everything you need on the iPhone GuitarToolkit. With all these tools are available in a small iPhone application is very convenient. Any player can appreciate this application is $ 9.99, with even cheaper Lite? Also available is a version.

Synthesizer Vocoder SV 5 This application provides a powerful synthesizer for musicians on the go. Surprisingly, it has a full functioning vocoder (providing users with a robot-like voice, they can play in the iPhone screen). This application uses the iPhone microphone so that the vocoder works only for iPhone users. Surprisingly, this application allows users to save and load the patches that they create, to share with other musicians iPhone. This application uses all these possibilities into reality iPhone, and allows the musicians to explore the complex onboard keyboard sounds, and video filters in real time. Application for the iPhone is a small way to $ 16.99, but the players really appreciate sq features editable.

Banda banda is fun application for the iPhone, which can serve as a convenient tool for musicians. The group has about two-octaves playable piano keyboard, guitar and bass. Musicians can use to play the musical ideas at the time of the strike, so do not forget the great tunes that come with. This application also includes a 3x4 pad allows musicians to drum beats in your iPhone. The best musicians in the band can record ideas (even with the help of a click track). Of $ 3.99, the iPhone application fun and affordable. For these musicians Karajan, Karajan was a very useful application for the iPhone. This application allows musicians to practice ear training, valuable skills that takes time and practice. Annex reproduces the musical intervals and scales, and encourages users to define their iPhone rumor. Line identification is also a helpful feature for musicians. Musicians study music theory is this iPhone application becomes a powerful tool for learning. While iPhone users have to pay $ 14.99 for the full implementation, there is a free version for beginners.

These applications make the portable music accessible and fun. Any musician knows that inspiration can strike at any time and can now be caught in an iPhone. The convenience of these tools is a great addition to iPhone applications musician.

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